Despite Feyenoord's defeat, Hwang In-beom praised his debut match...

Despite Feyenoord's defeat, Friske highly appreciated Hwang In-beom's ability to make his debut.

Feyenoord lost 0-4 to Leverkusen in the first leg of the 2024-25 UEFA Champions League phase at the Feyenoord Stadium in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, on the 20th (Korea time). Hwang made his Feyenoord debut by playing full-time in the match. 메이저사이트
Hwang In-beom hit a right footed shot from the front outside of the penalty area in the 14th minute of the first half while playing as Feyenoord's set-piece kicker, but was blocked by goalkeeper Khradeki. In the 28th minute of the first half, he hit a powerful left-footed shot from the right outside of the penalty area, but it went off the goal. Hwang In-beom hit a left-footed mid-range shot in the 10th minute of the second half to target Leverkusen. Hwang In-beom was a kicker in the 20th minute of the second half when his ball that he hit hard in front of the goal gate was blocked by goalkeeper Khradeki's defense.

While playing full-time against Leverkusen, Hwang had 81 cheek touches. His 62 attempts resulted in a success rate of 82 percent. Hwang, who attempted shots on three occasions, won five times out of nine matches. The European soccer statistics media "SofA Score" gave a rating of 6.7 points for Hwang's performance against Leverkusen.

Feyenoord coach Friske attended a press conference after the match and said through Dutch media NOS that losing 0-4 at home is not a good thing. "I'm definitely struggling right now, but I'll do my best from tomorrow and prepare for the next match."

"Hwang's debut was really good. He has only trained with us a few times, but he has improved the quality of his team," Frieske said.

After the game against Leverkusen, Hwang said, "We knew it would be a difficult game, but we are not allowed to make such plays at home. We have many more games to play and we have to reflect on ourselves. We have to do better."

"You shouldn't allow such a goal at this level. You have to score when you have a chance. We improved a little in the second half, but we could have done better. We had to score a few goals. We still have a lot of games to play and we can't be disappointed," Hwang said. "I'm very happy to make my debut in front of a great crowd of fans. I want to apologize to the fans who came to the stadium. I'm confident that we will be better in the next game, both individually and as a team."

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